第 5 章 模型


5.1 前言


  • 回归模型: 回归模型是一种有监督的、预测性的建模技术,它研究的是因变量和自变量之间的关系。

  • 分类模型: 分类模型也是一种有监督的机器学习模型。与回归模型不同的是,其标签(因变量)通常是有限个数的定类变量。最常见的是二分类模型。


# 导入BostonHousing数据

# 设置种子值,方便复现

# 生成训练集的索引,用来划分训练集和测试集
train_index <- sample(dim(BostonHousing)[1], 0.7 * dim(BostonHousing)[1])
BostonHousingTrain <- BostonHousing[train_index, ]
BostonHousingTest <- BostonHousing[-train_index, ]

# 查看数据集的size
## [1] 506  14
## [1] 354  14
## [1] 152  14
# 查看数据集包含的变量名称
##  [1] "crim"    "zn"      "indus"   "chas"    "nox"     "rm"      "age"     "dis"     "rad"    
## [10] "tax"     "ptratio" "b"       "lstat"   "medv"

##回归模型 回归模型有很多主要有Linear Regression、Logistic Regression、Polynomial Regression、Stepwise Regression、Ridge Regression、Lasso Regression、ElasticNet等。

本部分主要介绍有Linear Regression、以及Stepwise Regression三种回归模型的实现。

5.1.1 Linear Regression


多元线性回归模型使用lm()命令, 其中medv~.是回归公式,data=BostonHousingTrain是回归数据。对回归公式的构建进行一些补充,~左侧表示因变量,~右侧表示自变量,多个自变量使用+依次叠加。这里右侧使用了.,该符号的含义是除左侧变量外所有的变量。因此,medv~.等价于medv~crim + zn + indus + chas + nox + rm + age + dis + rad + tax + ptratio + b + medv

# 构建模型,medv~.表示回归方程
lr_model <- lm(medv ~ ., data = BostonHousingTrain)

# summary输出模型汇总
## Call:
## lm(formula = medv ~ ., data = BostonHousingTrain)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -17.1929  -2.6567  -0.3854   1.6261  28.5425 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  28.279554   6.464743   4.374 1.62e-05 ***
## crim         -0.066574   0.051496  -1.293 0.196958    
## zn            0.031466   0.016525   1.904 0.057733 .  
## indus         0.046583   0.069009   0.675 0.500115    
## chas1         3.372501   1.065312   3.166 0.001687 ** 
## nox         -14.103937   4.498414  -3.135 0.001866 ** 
## rm            4.512687   0.547845   8.237 3.85e-15 ***
## age          -0.010015   0.016016  -0.625 0.532197    
## dis          -1.259008   0.245311  -5.132 4.82e-07 ***
## rad           0.263841   0.077147   3.420 0.000702 ***
## tax          -0.012026   0.004176  -2.880 0.004235 ** 
## ptratio      -1.008997   0.160048  -6.304 8.99e-10 ***
## b             0.014361   0.003406   4.217 3.18e-05 ***
## lstat        -0.466948   0.062026  -7.528 4.66e-13 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 4.776 on 340 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7299, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7196 
## F-statistic: 70.67 on 13 and 340 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

运用plot命令对模型进行诊断,各图含义参考 https://www.cnblogs.com/lafengdatascientist/p/5554167.html



# 根据模型对新数据进行预测
BostonHousingTest$lr_pred <- predict(lr_model, newdata = BostonHousingTest)

5.1.2 Stepwise Regression


对于逐步回归,一般有前向、后向、双向等逐步方式。本部分将基于已经实现的lr_model进行双向逐步回归。前向和后向回归只需要更改step()命令行中的direstion参数即可。具体内容参照 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38204302/article/details/86567356

# both逐步回归
step_model <- step(lr_model, direction = "both")
## Start:  AIC=1120.78
## medv ~ crim + zn + indus + chas + nox + rm + age + dis + rad + 
##     tax + ptratio + b + lstat
##           Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
## - age      1      8.92 7765.1 1119.2
## - indus    1     10.39 7766.6 1119.3
## - crim     1     38.13 7794.3 1120.5
## <none>                 7756.2 1120.8
## - zn       1     82.71 7838.9 1122.5
## - tax      1    189.16 7945.4 1127.3
## - nox      1    224.25 7980.5 1128.9
## - chas     1    228.62 7984.8 1129.1
## - rad      1    266.82 8023.0 1130.8
## - b        1    405.60 8161.8 1136.8
## - dis      1    600.89 8357.1 1145.2
## - ptratio  1    906.67 8662.9 1157.9
## - lstat    1   1292.88 9049.1 1173.4
## - rm       1   1547.84 9304.0 1183.2
## Step:  AIC=1119.19
## medv ~ crim + zn + indus + chas + nox + rm + dis + rad + tax + 
##     ptratio + b + lstat
##           Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
## - indus    1     10.22 7775.3 1117.7
## - crim     1     39.31 7804.4 1119.0
## <none>                 7765.1 1119.2
## + age      1      8.92 7756.2 1120.8
## - zn       1     92.34 7857.5 1121.4
## - tax      1    193.70 7958.8 1125.9
## - chas     1    225.98 7991.1 1127.3
## - nox      1    261.86 8027.0 1128.9
## - rad      1    278.77 8043.9 1129.7
## - b        1    398.83 8164.0 1134.9
## - dis      1    613.30 8378.4 1144.1
## - ptratio  1    916.06 8681.2 1156.7
## - lstat    1   1546.55 9311.7 1181.5
## - rm       1   1571.42 9336.5 1182.4
## Step:  AIC=1117.65
## medv ~ crim + zn + chas + nox + rm + dis + rad + tax + ptratio + 
##     b + lstat
##           Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
## - crim     1     41.19 7816.5 1117.5
## <none>                 7775.3 1117.7
## + indus    1     10.22 7765.1 1119.2
## + age      1      8.74 7766.6 1119.3
## - zn       1     88.58 7863.9 1119.7
## - tax      1    189.88 7965.2 1124.2
## - chas     1    231.63 8007.0 1126.0
## - nox      1    252.32 8027.7 1127.0
## - rad      1    269.59 8044.9 1127.7
## - b        1    395.78 8171.1 1133.2
## - dis      1    706.93 8482.3 1146.5
## - ptratio  1    906.25 8681.6 1154.7
## - lstat    1   1537.69 9313.0 1179.5
## - rm       1   1561.38 9336.7 1180.4
## Step:  AIC=1117.52
## medv ~ zn + chas + nox + rm + dis + rad + tax + ptratio + b + 
##     lstat
##           Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
## <none>                 7816.5 1117.5
## + crim     1     41.19 7775.3 1117.7
## + indus    1     12.10 7804.4 1119.0
## - zn       1     76.92 7893.5 1119.0
## + age      1      9.92 7806.6 1119.1
## - tax      1    182.40 7998.9 1123.7
## - rad      1    228.86 8045.4 1125.7
## - nox      1    236.90 8053.4 1126.1
## - chas     1    240.06 8056.6 1126.2
## - b        1    514.43 8331.0 1138.1
## - dis      1    673.74 8490.3 1144.8
## - ptratio  1    893.27 8709.8 1153.8
## - lstat    1   1589.98 9406.5 1181.1
## - rm       1   1636.60 9453.1 1182.8
## Call:
## lm(formula = medv ~ zn + chas + nox + rm + dis + rad + tax + 
##     ptratio + b + lstat, data = BostonHousingTrain)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -16.8955  -2.6773  -0.4005   1.6707  28.5842 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  27.001770   6.354437   4.249 2.77e-05 ***
## zn            0.029797   0.016219   1.837  0.06705 .  
## chas1         3.446516   1.061891   3.246  0.00129 ** 
## nox         -13.578105   4.211269  -3.224  0.00138 ** 
## rm            4.491255   0.529976   8.474 7.07e-16 ***
## dis          -1.213451   0.223170  -5.437 1.03e-07 ***
## rad           0.220392   0.069546   3.169  0.00167 ** 
## tax          -0.010818   0.003824  -2.829  0.00494 ** 
## ptratio      -0.991885   0.158427  -6.261 1.14e-09 ***
## b             0.015446   0.003251   4.751 2.98e-06 ***
## lstat        -0.482234   0.057733  -8.353 1.67e-15 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 4.774 on 343 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7278, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7199 
## F-statistic: 91.71 on 10 and 343 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

对于分类模型还有较为常用的Lasso Regression 和 Ridge Regression,我们将会在进阶教程中来更加具体的讲解模型知识。

5.2 分类模型


# 将连续变量转化成二分类变量
BostonHousing$medv <- as.factor(ifelse(BostonHousing$medv > median(BostonHousing$medv), 1, 0))
# 查看两种变量类别的数量
##   0   1 
## 256 250
# 使用相同的种子值,复现训练集合测试集的划分
train_index <- sample(dim(BostonHousing)[1], 0.7 * dim(BostonHousing)[1])
BostonHousingTrain <- BostonHousing[train_index, ]
BostonHousingTest <- BostonHousing[-train_index, ]


# 引入auc计算函数
calcAUC <- function(predcol, outcol) {
  perf <- performance(prediction(predcol, outcol == 1), "auc")

5.2.1 Logistics Regression


# 逻辑回归模型构建
lr_model <- glm(medv ~ ., data = BostonHousingTrain, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
## Call:
## glm(formula = medv ~ ., family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = BostonHousingTrain)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##      Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
## -2.00065  -0.34945  -0.01094   0.24116   3.00080  
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)  4.641164   4.937497   0.940 0.347226    
## crim        -0.053419   0.096982  -0.551 0.581760    
## zn           0.005680   0.015218   0.373 0.708951    
## indus        0.045677   0.048167   0.948 0.342973    
## chas1        1.634949   0.798937   2.046 0.040717 *  
## nox         -6.916586   3.286514  -2.105 0.035332 *  
## rm           2.876778   0.651573   4.415 1.01e-05 ***
## age         -0.034146   0.013493  -2.531 0.011383 *  
## dis         -0.696695   0.209391  -3.327 0.000877 ***
## rad          0.220168   0.074211   2.967 0.003009 ** 
## tax         -0.009724   0.003446  -2.822 0.004769 ** 
## ptratio     -0.611081   0.132894  -4.598 4.26e-06 ***
## b            0.006135   0.003830   1.602 0.109159    
## lstat       -0.267857   0.064765  -4.136 3.54e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 489.83  on 353  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 187.85  on 340  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 215.85
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7
# 分别对训练集和测试集进行预测
lr_pred_train <- predict(lr_model, newdata = BostonHousingTrain, type = "response")
lr_pred_test <- predict(lr_model, newdata = BostonHousingTest, type = "response")

# 计算训练集和测试集的auc
calcAUC(lr_pred_train, BostonHousingTrain$medv)
## [1] 0.9554211
calcAUC(lr_pred_test, BostonHousingTest$medv)
## [1] 0.9506969

5.2.2 KNN

KNN模型是一种简单易懂、可以用于分类和回归的模型。其中 K 表示在新样本点附近(距离)选取 K 个样本数据,通过在 K 个样本进行投票来判断新增样本的类型。


# 导入knn模型的包

# 构建knn模型
knn <- kknn(medv ~ ., BostonHousingTrain, BostonHousingTest, k = 25)

# 预测并计算测试集上的auc取值
knn_pred_test <- predict(knn, newdata = BostonHousingTest)
calcAUC(as.numeric(knn_pred_test), BostonHousingTest$medv)
## [1] 0.875784

5.2.3 Decision Tree

决策树是一种基于树模型进行划分的分类模型,通过一系列if then决策规则的集合,将特征空间划分成有限个不相交的子区域,对于落在相同子区域的样本,决策树模型给出相同的预测值。下面构建了决策树的分类模型

# 导入包

# 构建决策树模型函数,medv~.是决策树公式,用来表明变量。
# summary输出模型汇总信息
dt_model <- tree(medv ~ ., BostonHousingTrain)
## Classification tree:
## tree(formula = medv ~ ., data = BostonHousingTrain)
## Variables actually used in tree construction:
##  [1] "lstat"   "rm"      "crim"    "ptratio" "b"       "tax"     "dis"     "age"     "nox"    
## [10] "zn"     
## Number of terminal nodes:  20 
## Residual mean deviance:  0.2984 = 99.66 / 334 
## Misclassification error rate: 0.07062 = 25 / 354
# plot可以对树模型进行绘制,但可能会出现书分支过多的情况。


# 预测
dt_pred_train <- predict(dt_model, newdata = BostonHousingTrain, type = "class")
dt_pred_test <- predict(dt_model, newdata = BostonHousingTest, type = "class")

# 计算auc取值
calcAUC(as.numeric(dt_pred_train), BostonHousingTrain$medv)
## [1] 0.9308756
calcAUC(as.numeric(dt_pred_test), BostonHousingTest$medv)
## [1] 0.8789199

5.2.4 Random Forest



# 导入随机森林包

# 随机森林模型
rf_model <- randomForest(medv ~ ., BostonHousingTrain, ntree = 100, nodesize = 10, importance = T)
# 展示模型变量的重要性
##                  0          1 MeanDecreaseAccuracy MeanDecreaseGini
## crim     3.0460631  1.5455430            3.9486776         5.762997
## zn       3.1035729  1.5721594            3.6238915         1.886801
## indus    3.8338867  1.4335357            4.6616469         7.176498
## chas     1.6703290 -1.5235785            0.7998773         1.100619
## nox      4.6899935  4.2616418            6.3944503        16.005287
## rm      11.0161057 10.2260377           14.5799077        24.681409
## age      5.6799908  3.3897131            6.9069090         9.107270
## dis      4.2225512  3.8567841            6.1001670         8.419924
## rad      0.9290789 -0.3819842            0.8369308         1.449089
## tax      1.1409763  7.2597262            7.5416998         8.688504
## ptratio  3.4528462  5.8912306            6.5636512        11.890037
## b       -0.4174669  4.4680208            3.3717663         3.990056
## lstat   14.5324793 12.5910741           18.7108835        44.289292
# 预测
rf_pred_train <- predict(rf_model, newdata = BostonHousingTrain, type = "class")
rf_pred_test <- predict(rf_model, newdata = BostonHousingTest, type = "class")

# 计算auc取值
calcAUC(as.numeric(rf_pred_train), BostonHousingTrain$medv)
## [1] 0.9675499
calcAUC(as.numeric(rf_pred_test), BostonHousingTest$medv)
## [1] 0.9236934








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